Merchant Account Underwriting Tools

I Said I Wouldn’t Beat a Dead Horse

back in December,2010. But this one isn’t dead just yet.

Jeremy Johnson has recently alleged that current Utah Attorney General John Swallow, under investigation for various misdeeds, referred him to a lobbyist, Richard Rawle of RMR consulting, for $250,000 to arrange a deal with “the guy” for U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, D-NV to stop an FTC investigation into Johnson’s alleged $350 million dollar fraudulent merchant account scheme. Reid’s office has denied any knowledge of this. Rawle is deceased. Swallow has denied receiving any commission for this referral.
Federal prosecutors said “the bulk of Johnson’s memorandum “roils with unsubstantiated accusations of collusion, conspiracies and bad faith, none of which are relevant to defending” the civil claims, criminal charges and the motion to limit discovery.”
On April 12, 2012 Johnson recorded a lengthy conversation with Swallow at a donut shop:
I’m sure that the acquirer’s involved have written off their losses and are trying to forget this whole event.

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